Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Mom do you have a spare battery? “It’s on the counter, make sure you’re not late for school.” I sprang up from the couch, plucked it off the counter and inserted it into my intercom. Dustin come in, do you have the sandwich? “ Well duh he sarcastically replied. Operation exterminate Mr. Brume is a go. Packing my bag Dustin and I got to school five minutes early. We silently snuck into Mr. Brume’s office and placed the nauseating lunch on the tip of his desk. As we hurried away I heard an energetic laugh, spine chilling. My face turned as white as his ancient beard.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on entering this week's 100 Word Challenge. You have managed to include the words within your idea. I like your scary ending as well. I wonder if you've been rumbled?
